I’m a self-taught sound artist, audio engineer, multi-instrumentalist, and generally abnormal presence. Usually busy swimming around in my imagination or fighting off panic attacks. Proudly trans in an era where they’re trying to kill us off.
Born in 1995, I have been using audio as an artistic medium of expression since 2008, and released my first album at the age of 13. I’ve been 100% independent since then, even running my own label, Static Switch Records, for those who (like me) have a hard time finding commercial avenues for their expression.
I’m born & based in Chicago.
My personal projects span across numerous genres, running the gamut from electronic to acoustic, metal to modern classical, radio plays to industrial noise.
As an audio engineer, my work spans similar breadths, and can be seen in more detail below.
Who knows at this point? I’ve just felt drawn to sound for as long as I can recall. It’s my preferred method of expression and communication. Talking is hard.
Selected Discography
Selected Post-Production Work
Quick Note: What I call “post-production” is what is generally referred to as “mastering”.
I have changed my personal vocabulary in this sense due to the term “mastering” being mired in institutional racism.
For more info, please read this interview with Pharrell Williams.
Want To Work Together?
Cool, me too. Fill out the form below to get in touch. I’m available for various tasks, including mixing, post-production, album artwork, production, remixing, or even just some conversation. Always could use more of that.